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Allowed LDAP attribute characters

The following table lists reserved characters that cannot be used in an attribute value.

Reserved character Description Hex value
space or # character at the beginning of a string
space character at the end of a string
, comma 0x2C
+ plus sign 0x2B
" double quote 0x22
\ backslash 0x5C
< left angle bracket 0x3C
> right angle bracket 0x3E
; semicolon 0x3B
LF line feed 0x0A
CR carriage return 0x0D
= equals sign 0x3D

If a reserved character is part of an attribute value, it must be escaped by prefixing it with a backslash (\) in the attribute string. If an attribute value contains other reserved characters, such as the equals sign (=) or non-UTF-8 characters, it must be encoded in hexadecimal by replacing the character with a backslash followed by two hex digits.

The following are examples of some distinguished names that include escaped characters. The first example is an organizational unit name with an embedded comma; the second example is a value containing a carriage return.
CN=Litware,OU=Docs\, Adatum,DC=Fabrikam,DC=COM
CN=Before\0DAfter,OU=Test,DC=North America,DC=Fabrikam,DC=COM

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Last Modified: 12 Years Ago
Type: Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
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